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Importance of Building Physical Resilience

Physical resilience is an important aspect to our approach at Resilience Maine. We all will experience an illness or injury at some point in our lives. For some, these will be isolated experiences, but for others it could be an ongoing process of management. Building up physical resiliency is how we successfully manage these issues. It is like making deposits into a savings account so you can make a withdrawal when needed. By improving your physical conditioning, you are making an investment in a more comfortable and less difficult future. This will be something you can draw from in times of need.

Resilience Maine and use of the WHO International Classification of Function Framework

A common approach in healthcare is to focus on one isolated problem a patient may be experiencing while failing to account for the other factors that may be contributing to a loss of function. An example of this could be a patient with a balance disorder who needs to function to remain in their home. One approach is to perform balance exercises until the patient can walk in their home safely.

Resilience Maine takes a more holistic approach to healthcare, using the World Health Organization (WHO) International Classification of Function Framework (ICF) to look at other factors involved with a loss of function. For example, the patient above might be a grandparent [Personal Factors] who has to shop for him/herself [Participation]. Now the treatment goals and interventions are drastically different, accounting for the full scope of factors that can affect a patient’s function.